I am a management consultant and certified systemic coach.
VaCaSu - Validation Career Support - is a development project and is supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency through the "Impact - Innovation" funding program.
Content of the project:
Top talent for your company - found and tested!
We are developing an innovative platform for companies that are willing to take on people with formal and non-formal skills identified and confirmed by our project, with the prospect of developing skilled workers together. We aim to retain them in the company in the long term by offering opportunities for advancement and further development, thereby satisfying the company's need for skilled workers. Also to offer a contact point for interested people from Austria and abroad who would like to pursue a professional career in Austria. On the one hand, this will counteract the shortage of skilled workers and, on the other, support companies in their search for skilled workers.
- Testing of participants
- Validation of skills
- Cooperation with industry - Recruiting
Heinz Roman Kienmayer
VaCaSu Validation-Career-Support
+43 650 4600444, heinz.kienmayer@vacasu.at, www.vacasu.at
UID: ATU55583407