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Photo Wilfried Blaschke

I am an experienced HR expert with over 25 years in management positions. After completing my master's degree in business administration with a focus on human resources management at Vienna University of Economics and Business, I started as a consultant at Alkier Consulting. This was followed by positions as assistant to the managing director and sales and marketing manager at Getränke & Service Gesellschaft Salzburg.

My work as a personnel developer and trainer at Porsche Austria was an important step in my career. Other positions took me to Catro Personalberatung, Bernecker + Rainer GmbH, Berner GmbH and Lenzing AG, where I managed HR teams and implemented restructuring and new HR processes.

I currently work as an HR interim manager and outplacement consultant and support companies and managers in their professional reorientation. My strengths include communication, success orientation and an eagerness to learn and follow new HR trends. I am a certified outplacement consultant, speak business fluent English and use HR systems such as SAP R/3 and SAP Success Factors. In my spare time I enjoy mountain biking and camping.

- HR Interim Management

- Outplacement consulting

Mag. Wilfried Blaschke
Resselstraße 10, 4623 Gunskirchen, AUSTRIA
+43 664 8134408, info@blaschke-hr.at, www.blaschke-hr.at
ATU 78446736