Do you have predominantly emotionally oriented employees and are looking for inspiration on how to inspire them and spur them on to top performance? Here are a few ideas on how you can create an optimal, motivating environment for your team.

Giving trust: Nothing motivates emotionally oriented people to perform better than the great trust placed in them. Trust your employees and give them autonomy in their tasks. Share responsibility and allow team members to use their strengths.

Conveying values: Emotionally oriented employees want to "dock". They would never work for a company that conflicts with their own attitude to life, their core values. Make sure that the company values are clearly defined and can be understood and felt by all team members.

Establish a culture of error: The harder you try to avoid mistakes or are even afraid of them, the more tense you become and the more likely you are to make mistakes. Dealing constructively with failures and mishaps helps to improve work processes and ensures an anxiety-free working environment. A positive error culture also promotes a spirit of innovation: Only when failure is allowed as part of the development process can something new emerge.

Promote conflict resolution: Emotionally oriented people react very sensitively to smouldering conflicts. Ensure that conflicts are resolved constructively and create a culture of open discussion. If necessary, offer mediation and support with interpersonal challenges.

Active feedback: Give regular constructive feedback and show sincere appreciation for good performance. Always emphasize the importance of individual contributions to the overall success of the team.

Train resilience: Team leaders have the task of providing stability, security and support. Unfiltered emotions, anger and obvious worries on the part of the leadership cause unrest and can throw the strongest teams off track.

Promoting community: A sense of belonging is essential for emotionally oriented people. As an employer or manager, you can significantly boost this by ensuring strong cohesion through joint activities outside of everyday working life.

Diversity and inclusion: In a company that promotes diversity in principle and stands for acceptance, it is easier to feel accepted as a person - with all their rough edges. An essential aspect for emotionally oriented employees.

As an employer of emotionally oriented employees, you are required to provide support and ensure interpersonal balance and harmonious cooperation: antennas on reception, monitoring team spirit and recognizing and counteracting tensions at an early stage.

In every company, there are one or more people who naturally have a big heart and an open ear. Someone who is particularly empathetic, who likes to be chosen as a contact person and who takes on a mentoring role all by themselves. Can you already think of someone? Why not officially entrust this person(s) with looking after the well-being of the team? Ideally, you should have your own time resources available to make it clear to the employer that the topic is important to you.


During the recruitment process, HR managers can use myTYPE and myMATCH to assess whether a person will fit into the team or not. A well-selected team works together more harmoniously and has less potential for conflict. Naturally, even the best people sometimes have disagreements. But in a homogeneous team that is open to criticism, these are easier to resolve than in a group that already has different approaches from the outset.

Do you have a vacancy to fill? Why not try myMATCH!