The identification of employees with their company is a key element that determines the loyalty and commitment of the workforce. In times of change and digitalization, as described by the concept of New Work, companies are faced with the challenge of successfully retaining their teams in the future and promoting a strong corporate culture.


Flexibility and self-determination

The term New Work is used to describe alternative working models that are characterized by more flexible working hours, work locations and structures. Such approaches increase the attractiveness of employers and help employees to identify more strongly with their company as they experience greater autonomy and trust.

Creation of meaning and value orientation

Identification with work, i.e. the feeling that one's own work is meaningful and valuable, is the most important factor for job satisfaction. Companies should therefore not only pay attention to value congruence, but also actively promote and communicate it. It is important that employees participate in the company's goals and are able to contribute their ideas.


Integration of flexible working models

The ability to work from home or other locations is particularly relevant for employee retention. Studies show that models that enable flexible working locations can increase satisfaction and productivity.

Empowerment through leadership

A leadership style that focuses on empowerment contributes significantly to employee retention. Managers should therefore act as coaches who support and motivate their teams to take responsibility for their own actions.

Use of technology to promote collaboration

Digital tools that support effective collaboration are essential in the modern working world. They not only enable better communication and flexibility, but also promote a sense of community, especially in distributed teams.

Conclusion and outlook

The identification of employees with their company in a constantly changing world of work requires an adaptation of work culture and structures. Approaches such as New Work offer valuable guidelines for creating working models that meet both the needs of employees and the goals of the company. It is crucial that companies foster a culture of openness and mutual respect to ensure strong employee engagement and identification.

For companies that need support in implementing New Work, JUNITO offers comprehensive consulting services to facilitate the transformation to a modern and employee-centered working environment.

Photo Thomas Schwabl

JUNITO - Thomas Schwabl

  • New Work analyses & implementations
  • AI for SMEs
  • HR consulting & support