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Photo Bettina von Massenbach
Photo Bettina von Massenbach

Over 20 years of international experience in the most beautiful industry: hotels and restaurants. With people for people, whether employees, guests or entrepreneurs - bringing everyone under one roof. It was love at first sight. OYSTER hospitality has been advising and supporting clients from the hotel and catering industry since 2012. The aim is to adapt to new circumstances and increase profitability.

Why the oyster? The oyster provides both a breeding ground and protection. Thanks to its hard shell, it gives employees room for development and design. The company gains radiance through its pearls. With curiosity, clear words, creativity and a lot of empathy, I create synergies.

My passion is to strengthen the industry with enthusiastic hosts. With the parameters of value orientation, Gen Z, empowering teams and designing experiences, I implement 360° sustainability in hospitality.

- Systemic Coach, Practitioner (Competence on Top)
- Company health manager (IST-Studieninstitut, Düsseldorf)
- Certified manager (Quadriga University, Berlin)
- Member of the PR & Public Relations Advisory Board of FCSI Deutschland-Österreich e.V.
- Registered consultant for the promotion of entrepreneurial know-how at BAFA (Federal Office for Foreign Trade)
- Member of the Values Commission - Initiative Wertebewusste Führung e.V.
- Freelance consultant for DEHOGA Beratung GmbH Baden-Württemberg

- PEOPLE: shaping teams, activating emotions

- CONCEPT: from idea to reality to feasibility to scaling
- REALIZATION: in compliance with time and cost planning

Bettina von Massenbach
OYSTER Hospitality
Rosenheimer Str. 6, 81669 Munich
+49170 7722555, bettina@oysterhospitality.com, www.oysterhospitality.com