The decision to conduct an employee survey in your company has been made. You have taken a decisive step towards greater understanding and solidarity!

The first step is to convince your employees to actively participate in order to get the most out of your survey. Below you will find helpful measures and arguments for achieving the highest possible participation rate in your employee survey.


Provide justification

Anyone who takes the time to answer questions also wants to know why and what it will achieve. Explain to your employees why you are carrying out this analysis and what benefits it will have for the entire team and the corporate culture. Clearly signal your willingness to take on board impulses and initiate changes if necessary.

Signal openness

Make sure that everyone is informed and make it clear how important each individual voice is to you. Also let your employees know that you are open to critical feedback. Employees can and should share what's on your mind. (Link to Arschtritt blog)

Guarantee anonymity

The answers from the survey are combined and presented as an overall result. Departments are only evaluated if there are 5 or more participants, so that assignment to specific persons is prevented. Foreign-language responses are automatically translated. Emphasize the anonymous evaluation to your employees in order to create trust and a framework for constructive and honest criticism.

Give time

Enable participation during working hours. PERSENTIS customers achieved the best participation rates when they were provided with their own tablet and specific time slots were created for this purpose. Completing the questionnaire takes an average of 10-15 minutes.

React reliably

Be sure to follow up the analysis with action. You are also welcome to provide an overview of the results and the initial measures that you will derive from them. If your employees see that your participation is having an effect, you will certainly go one better in the next survey.

You can find out how to design invitations that will be accepted in the next article: