How to turn fluctuation costs into development capital
Investing in employee retention and engagement and avoiding employee turnover is significantly more economical than filling vacancies. We show step by step how you can find the right employees and keep them in the company.
Step 1: Identify fields of development - live change
The path to engaged, loyal employees starts with a deep understanding of their needs and expectations. It's up to the employer to acquire this understanding and pick up the team where they are right now. Your PERSENTIS analysis helps you understand what makes people tick in your company - what their current challenges are and what drives them. Based on this, you can actively promote satisfaction and commitment and keep the willingness to change in check.
TIP: Once you have done your analysis and now know your areas of development, start with two things to kick things off:
1) What is easiest to implement: Start with small measures that do not require much effort on your part. This way, employees will immediately notice that you have picked up the ball and that the change has begun.
2.) That where the biggest shortcoming lies: In parallel, tackle the biggest area of development - This is where you can make the most difference.
The most successful companies are those that not only respond quickly and efficiently to change, but actively strive to shape change.
Step 2: Identify the right fit with target profiles
A working relationship is much more than just "work performance for money". Every person brings with them a rucksack of skills and abilities that need to be lived. If a new position is to be filled in the company, it is therefore at least as important to define what soft skills are required in addition to a detailed description of the areas of responsibility and required knowledge. Common buzzwords such as "ability to work in a team, solution orientation, etc." are far too few. Because while professional skills can be acquired, sharpened, expanded and deepened, personal characteristics remain largely constant. For example, how one approaches challenges, which position one takes within a team, ... all this lies deep in our personality and can only be changed to a small extent. To be able to live this out on the job - to be able to do things in one's own way - is the prerequisite for people to be able to perform and to rise above themselves.
With myMATCH and myTYPE, it becomes easy to determine whether a job opening can become a successful long-term working relationship.
Step 3: Differentiation as an employer
One thing we know from branding: Smoothly polished and prettified doesn't work. Strong brands are authentic, idiosyncratic and have their flaws. They distinguish themselves from the competition and clearly state what they are NOT. That is what makes identification possible, what makes them approachable and lovable.
The same applies to employer brands: If you don't differentiate yourself, you become interchangeable.
Only zeros have no corners and edges.
In an employee market where workers pick the job, companies are squeezed. Quality applications are scarce, jobs remain unfilled. In their time of need, employers tend to unpack their benefit bellies - wanting to please everyone in order to find workers at all and be able to maintain operations. They try to keep up and offer as much as possible of what the "new work" wave brings with it: 4-hour days, 4-day weeks, ... no problem at all. The employee is king, not the customer. The result: a lot of promises that probably can't be kept. The psychological contract is polished up and glossed over so that qualified specialists will bite - disappointment is inevitable.
A clear, credible positioning as an employer brings people to you who fit exactly into your company - who feel comfortable, who find what they expect from their job and who will gladly contribute.
Step 1, 2, 3 - REPEAT.
Personnel management based on the Psychological Contract is not a one-off action, but continuous action - a corporate culture based on transparency, respect and fairness. Start today and become architects of your own success.