Appreciative cooperation for a productive and fulfilling working life
According to theStepstonestudy with 22,000participants,apoorworkingatmosphereisthe secondmost commonreasonforquitting.Forwomen, itis even themainreasonfor achange,whilementend to quitbecause ofpay anda lackofpromotionopportunities.
An emotionally fulfilling work environment creates a sense of belonging and connectedness. This connectedness fosters trust, loyalty and a sense of camaraderie, which in turn leads to higher job satisfaction, morale and productivity.
However, a positive working atmosphere cannot be prescribed, nor is there a patent remedy. The decisive factors are open and trusting interaction, coherent forms of management, organization and communication, and respectful cooperation.
As an employer, you can foster an environment of mutual respect and openness by encouraging your employees to share their opinions and thoughts. In your daily activities, repeatedly create islands of space and time that are only there to listen to each other and strengthen interpersonal relationships. Support a work culture of inclusion and acceptance by responding to employee feedback and addressing their concerns.
Best practices to support a positive work climate
- Ensure equal rights and opportunities for all. Create an atmosphere of tolerance, appreciation and inclusion.
- Encourage your employees to share their opinions, thoughts and ideas.
- Demonstrate appreciative behavior, a sense of responsibility and honesty toward others, and demonstrate your company's values through your own actions.
- Define clear guidelines in conflict resolution processes within the team.
- Never take performance and commitment for granted and honor even small joint successes - even if it's just with a sincere "thank you".