Avoiding Disappointment in Job Placement.

Everyone wants to look good at the job interview. Both employers and employees show their chocolatiest side. The employer, who would like to attract the highly qualified employee, advertises a wonderful working atmosphere, international relations, exciting tasks and much more. Conversely, the applicant emphasizes his flexibility, comprehensive expertise and high willingness to learn.

In everyday working life, the big disillusionment then often comes: After three years, the employee is still waiting for his first assignment abroad, which he would have expected on the basis of "international relations. The employer has understood "flexibility" as a willingness to change functional areas and does not understand why the promised flexibility reaches its limits so quickly.

Neither the one nor the other can be blamed for this; it does not happen on purpose or out of calculation. Such misunderstandings are based on assumptions, conclusions and the subjective interpretation of promises. Many factors that determine successful long-term staffing are not even addressed.

Contractual loyalty: The secret of a successful working relationship

An employment relationship is not only a legal relationship, but above all a complex socio-psychological relationship. In technical jargon, the tacit agreement regarding expectation and offer that is concluded between employer and employee is called the "psychological contract".

These mutual expectations mainly play out at the unconscious level, which makes it not so easy to identify them, let alone deal with them in a targeted manner. But if implicit expectations are disappointed over a longer period of time, this can have serious consequences for the company: Willingness to perform, commitment and dedication decline, and the employee becomes detached from the company, which can even lead to internal resignation.

In particular, radical slogans in recruiting such as "happy staff" or "better future" carry a high risk, because they can hardly be fulfilled 100%. The more lofty the promises, the deeper the fall, which can then be read on rating platforms such as kununu or indeed. This backfires, because this is exactly where job seekers get their information, and the statements of one's own employees weigh 1000 times heavier than anything the employer himself says. It should therefore be carefully considered what expectations one raises with one's statements and whether one can actually fulfill them. Breaking the silent contract is bitter - and expensive - for both sides.

In combination with myMATCH and myTYPE, PERSENTIS counteracts such a breach of the silent contract from the outset by making mutual expectations visible. Based on the myMATCH results, the employer can formulate very clearly what he expects beyond the professional qualifications and what is particularly important in the respective job. Conversely, the applicant finds out what is in store for him and whether this corresponds to his own ideas, values and goals.

There is probably never a guarantee that it will work out in the long run, but with a combination of facts, more in-depth information and a healthy dose of gut feeling, you can come very close.