The participants rate the following statements using an interactive slider.
- We have a very good working atmosphere.
- I am willing to go above and beyond what is expected on the job.
- I have enough time to recover.
- I feel a sincere bond with my employer.
- In general, I avoid risks and plan things out carefully in advance.
- I am a social person.
- I consider this company to be economically stable.
- I want to work in this very company.
- The company's activity is meaningful and important.
- My performance impacts the overall performance of the company.
- I want to learn something every day.
- My working hours must be compatible with private commitments/interests.
- I have big plans for my future.
- I am equipped with everything I need to do my job to the best of my ability.
- It is important to me to work in a company that I can be proud of.
- I can continue to develop within the company.
- The best way to increase my willingness to perform is with financial incentives.
- It is important for me to be able to use my skills on the job.
- I attach great importance to a pleasant working environment and good equipment.
- If I have any problems, I always have a contact person.
- My job brings me closer to my personal goals.
- To have a sense of achievement, I like to seek out challenges.
- I hate dealing with the same things over and over again.
- Overall, I am satisfied with my working conditions.
- I feel accepted as a person with all my strengths, rough edges and corners.
- Financial matters are rather secondary for me at the moment.
- I feel inspired by the company's goals and vision.
- I feel committed to the goals of the company.
- I can live well with my working hours.
- The success and well-being of the company are close to my heart.
- I'm not worried about losing my job.
- I am paid according to my performance.
- My performance is strongly related to the atmosphere in my team.
- I am sure that changing jobs would put me at a financial disadvantage.
- My skills are in great demand on the job market.
- My area of responsibility is interesting and varied.
- I would change jobs for higher earnings.
- A good personal relationship with my superiors is very important to me.