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Photo Julia Gehmacher
Photo Julia Gehmacher

I am Julia Gehmacher, 5th generation junior manager of the Gehmacher family business, trainer and business coach.

In recent years, I have been able to accompany the development of our family business from one to several stores in the midst of the Covid crisis, reshape the vision and culture and shape the change process from a small to a medium-sized company. Shaped by these experiences, it is now my passion to pass on these learnings. From the entrepreneur for entrepreneurs.

My mission? Inspire, Empower, Serve. To create places where people can flourish. Where they find real meaning. As entrepreneurs and leaders, we have the power to create these places. I want to inspire and encourage you to find your calling and have a positive impact on people and your environment!

My focus is on the topic of self-leadership for entrepreneurs. Because every change starts with ourselves! I also offer training, seminars and coaching in the area of leadership. As part of my 3-month "Small Business Leadership Academy" program, I help entrepreneurs to grow personally and in their company without burning out and losing their passion.

- Self-leadership for entrepreneurs

- Leadership
Recruiting/employee selection

Julia Gehmacher
Alter Markt 2, 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA
+43 664 3006658
, office@juliagehmacher.com, www.juliagehmacher.com